Fee Schedule

2024-2025 School Year

Pre-Kindergarten Educational Programs (Member & Non-Member)

Program Program Times Registration, Book, and Supply Fees Monthly Tuition (August-May) Total Annual Tuition 
PreK3  - 3 day  Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 
$95 $159 $1592
PreK3 – 5 day Monday - Friday 
$130 $239 $2390
PreK4 – 5 day  Monday - Friday 
$130 $239 $2390

Kindergarten-8th Grade Educational Programs

Program Program Times Enrollment, Book, Technology and Supply Fees Monthly Tuition (August-May) Yearly Tuition (August-May) 
NON-MEMBER RATE Kindergarten – Eighth Grade Classes Monday - Friday*
8:30am – 2:45pm
$265 One Child  $481
Two children $758 Family Maximum $848
One Child  $4807
Two children $7571 Family Maximum $8472
St. James 
Monday - Friday*
8:30am – 2:45pm
$265 $202
(St. James pays $470)
(St. James Church pays $4699)

(Note: The Lutheran Church of St. John (217-222-8579) and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (217-223-1769) offer tuition assistance for their members. Please contact their church office.)

Pre-Kindergarten-8th Grade Extended Care Programs

Program Program Times Charges
PreK - Eighth Grades Students
Occasional Extended Care Use 
Monday – Friday 
7:00am – 5:30pm
$3.75 per ½ hour
Actual use

Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance Grant Applicants

Tuition Assistance Grants are available to all non-member qualifying families who have one or more children enrolled in grades Kindergarten through eight at St. James Lutheran School. Tuition Assistance Grants are not available for PreK 3 or PreK 4.

Tuition Assistance Grants are limited and are based on a family’s financial situation, ability to pay the cost of tuition at St. James Lutheran School, number of applications, and the amount available in the Assistance Fund. 

All information and awards will be kept confidential. All information will be used only in determining the eligibility of each family. The Administrators of St. James reserve the right to request additional information not provided on the application in order to make a decision. Award amounts will vary depending on each family’s circumstances and financial situation. 

Please contact the office (email or (217) 222-8267) for an application.

*If you are a member of St. James, Our Redeemer, or the Lutheran Church of St. John and require tuition assistance, please reach out to your respective church office.
